The 2News Diaper Drive is helping bridge the diaper insecurity gap by collecting donations and raising money for the Utah Diaper Bank. YOU can help make a difference by donating to the 3rd Annual 2News Diaper Drive!
From now until Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 12), stop by any Cyprus Credit Union location and drop off diaper donations, or make a monetary donation here.
Diaper Insecurity Need:
- 1 in 3 families struggle with diaper need. While most families who benefit from the Utah Diaper Bank's donations purchase diapers on their own, many live paycheck to paycheck and run short by Thursday or Friday in a given week. One study suggests these families need 25–50 diapers to fill that diaper gap each month. Just $10 covers this diaper gap for one family for a month. The latest surveys show this number increasing (UtahDiaperBank.org).
- Providing an adequate supply of diapers is a tangible way of reducing parenting stress, a critical factor influencing child health and development.
- Babies’ overall health improves when families receive diapers. Incidences of diaper rash declined 33 percent among children whose families received supplies of clean diapers, and babies experienced 77 percent fewer days of diaper rash.
About the Utah Diaper Bank:
The Utah Diaper Bank is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, all-volunteer organization that was founded in 2013 after realizing that no safety-net program covered diapers for those in need. Since then, the Utah Diaper Bank has gone from distributing 11,000 diapers in their first year to shipping close to 1.6 million diapers in 2023. These diapers went to 40 non-profit and government agencies along the Wasatch front and to an additional sixteen Utah cities outside the Wasatch front and back. However, that’s still much less than Utah’s diaper need which is estimated to be more than 3-million diapers per year.