Not all life insurance plans are created equally. When shopping for insurance, make sure you select the plan that best fits your lifestyle and specific needs. Here are some questions to ask yourself during this process.
Do I Need Life Insurance?
The short answer is: If you have people in your life who depend on you for support, like a spouse or child, then some life insurance is better than none. This will provide you with peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of if anything happens to you.
How Much Insurance Do I Need?
Many financial experts suggest purchasing a policy with a payout equal to 10 times your annual income; however, the amount of coverage you buy will ultimately depend on your personal situation and how much insurance you can afford. Remember, something is better than nothing, especially if you have dependents or have accrued debt.
What Kinds of Policies Are There?
Generally, there are two types of life insurance: term and permanent. Term life insurance only covers you for a certain amount of time, commonly 10 to 30 years after buying the policy. Permanent insurance, on the other hand, covers you for the entirety of your life. On average, term life insurance usually has a lower cost when compared to permanent.
What Should My Next Steps Be?
Once you know what type of life insurance plan you want, start reaching out for quotes from different insurance companies. After selecting a company, you'll need to complete an application and authorize your doctor to share information with them regarding your health. You may also need to complete a phone interview and a physical.